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Desarmes repentinos em disjuntores

Este artigo técnico tem como objetivo a origem de desarmes repentinos em disjuntores. Para isso, estão sendo consideradas as premissas da norma ABNT NBR 5410 e os parâmetros de datasheet dos disjuntores. Referencial Normativo Para ...

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Vertys is Renac in Brazil

The Brazilian solar energy market is growing rapidly and represents an important market for RENAC POWER, one of the best inverter manufacturers in the world. At VERTYS SOLAR GROUP, we have built a strong partnership ...

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The hybrid inverter from RENAC has been approved by INMETRO

RENAC Power has introduced its new line of high-voltage single-phase hybrid inverters for residential applications. The N1-HV-6.0, which received certification from INMETRO under Ordinance No. 140/2022, is now available for the Brazilian market.   According ...

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